Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussin question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussin question - Essay Example This scope gives way to: record a patient’s up to date status, to approve continuing tests, services, treatment, or equipment, which give sophisticated directives for health care, and for giving privileges for disabled persons. Gagliardi is behind a number of Legislative efforts following the national healthcare restructuring as having been more defined. She evaluated how the state should prevent child mortality from abuse, a compound issue pitting counties and the state against each other in several ways. As a vice chair of the Human Services Committee and House Health, she organized many other efforts in her legislative session. Gagliardi sponsored a couple of measures to permit Medicaid repayment for services offered by nurses in Colorado, which were implemented and signed by Governor Ritter in 2008. Further, she proposed to lower the minimum age for blood donors to 16years throughout the state. This has improved the health care sector as masses of people can now donate blood as compared to some years back. Most importantly, she made advances to put medical records online. American Nurses Association. (2012). Nurse State Legislators & Administrative Leaders Directory. Nursing World. Retrieved 21 Nov 2012 from

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